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Noah Gentry

I'm from Birmingham, AL. I came to Emory really excited by the idea of the school's major in playwriting. I think my time here has helped me grow into an artist whose work has purpose and voice.

What's next? I'll be moving to New York after graduation, making my parents proud by continuing to pursue improv (and working a desk job that pays my bills)!

Favorite accomplishment? I'm very proud of the current iteration of Rathskellar! This is the strongest group we've had across the board and I feel very lucky that I got to play a part in that.


Apr 27, 2023

Noah! What a glorious gentleman you are! It was a thrill and an honor to see your mind at work in our Creating New Works class. Your many send-ups of capitalism and explorations of control & rebellion will fill me with joy & inspiration for many moons to come! Wishing you a happy and smooth transition to New York. I'm here if ever you need me! (Even if it's just for food recs!) -Drew P.


Apr 26, 2023

Hey Noah, saying hello as the only other playwriting major of our year! I know it's just meant to happen, when we first met outside of Evenden's office! I still remember I was talking to you about this play I just wrote about a tyrant, and that play turned out to be my first full-length play in Lenaia which you loved as well! I also remember your short story about fencing in our workshop, and how you were sitting in a basement with a surfing board behind your back on zoom. How you read a monologue I wrote of an old snobby writer. I simply can't separate you from my college experience!

---John Cai


Apr 24, 2023

Congratulations Noah! It's been a pleasure getting to know you, and it was fantastic having you in my Principles of Design class. I will never think of Waiting for Godot's tree the same way again. Also, I enjoyed your dedication and outstanding work in Britney. We are excited to see what lies ahead for you in this next stage of your life. Maybe I will run into you in B'ham...keep in touch; we will miss you, and best of luck!

Sara Culpepper


Tom Zhang
Apr 24, 2023

Hey Noah!

Congratulations on graduation! It was a joy having you in the Improv workshop last Fall - your willingness to jump in and your commitment to play made the class a better experience for your peers and helped many of them to jump up as well! Your talents for comedy and performance are undeniable, and I look forward to hearing people say"Oh you remember Noah Gentry? Yeah, killing it in the improv scene in New York. Actually, he's headlining at (insert venue) with his team (insert awesome team name)" and then I can be all like "Oh hey, I taught him everything he knows" and then people will be like "No way!" and I can say "No that's a…


Apr 18, 2023

Congratulations on your graduation, Noah! You freaking made it!! It's been great getting to know you and see you grow at Emory. We wish you the best of luck as you move to NY and continue to pursue improv. CONGRATS!

-Lizzy Clements, Theater Studies Staff


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